A Storytelling Model for Educational Games
This paper deals with an interactive storytelling of game, based on Campbells heroes journey. It begins by introducing Campbell analysis and then presents how this model has been transformed in order to support for interactive storytelling. Then, it shows how this model can be used for educational games. It finishes by an experimentation of an implementation of this interactive storytelling in the field of a robot
منابع مشابه
Generating Educational Interactive Stories in Computer Role-Playing Games
The aim of interactive storytelling is to tell stories with the use of computers in a new and interactive way, which immerses the reader inside the story as the protagonist and enables him to drive its course in any desired direction. Interactive storytelling thus transforms conventional stories from static structures to dynamic and adaptive storyworlds. In this paper, we describe an innovative...
متن کامل80Days: Melding Adaptive Educational Technology and Adaptive and Interactive Storytelling in Digital Educational Games
The present paper introduces the 80Days project, an interdisciplinary European research project endeavoring after pushing the state-ofthe-art in digital educational games. The main objectives of the project are enabling curriculum-related education with competitive computer games, realizing non-invasive and educationally meaningful support of the learner, and combining adaptive tutoring with in...
متن کاملDesigning, Using and Evaluating Educational Games: Challenges, Some Solutions and Future Research
Educational games can use storytelling as the underlying model for designing their content and narrative to enhance learning outcomes. We need to evaluate their efficacy to maximise the user benefits. However, the field of user experience (UX) evaluation is full of challenges in itself; and evaluating the UX for digital educational games adds many other complexities. This paper presents various...
متن کاملSeamless evaluation integration into IDS educational games
Serious games have recently enjoyed unprecedented interest among researchers. Despite the fact that the main focus of this domain remains on player entertainment and engagement, serious games have established themselves as an alternative educational paradigm. However, little interest has been given to investigating methods for the assessment of their effectiveness. Game evaluation focus remains...
متن کاملRelationship between Designing Computer-based Educational Games, and Learning Motivation among Elementary Students
Background: Motivation is an important factor in learning. Educational games increase the learning motivation and understanding of students by creating a sense of joy, satisfaction and involvement. However, it is necessary to incorporate learning elements into the games, differently. In this study, the researcher tried to provide a model for designing educational games and determining its relat...
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